How To Make Your Own CavernCam

As of version 2.0, the CavernCamUploader has a built-in screen capture utility. For those of you who wish to continue using 3rd party screen capture tools, I've included instructions for the following tools:


Before you begin, you will need the following:

1. Create a directory on your local computer where your temporary captured images will go, e.g., C:/Temp/urupics

2. Download and unzip it.

3. Double-click CavernCamUploader.bat. Initially, the Settings form will appear.

4. Next, a dialog will appear asking you if you want to create and upload your CavernCam web page. Click Yes, and the Web Site Creator will appear.

5. Exit the CavernCam Uploader.

Those were the setup steps. Now you're ready to try it out!

1. If you are using the built-in screen shot capability of CavernCamUploader, go on to step 2. Otherwise, launch and configure the image capture software.

2. Double-click CavernCamUploader.bat. Click on the "Start Uploading" button. If all goes well, it will open an FTP connection and wait for the images to come.

3. Minimize CavernCamUploader.

4. Start Myst Online : Uru Live. Make sure you are running at a resolution of 800x600 - that is what the applet is configured for. You can run either windowed or fullscreen.

5. If you are using the built-in screen capture feature, skip this step - it has already begun capturing the screens. Otherwise, once you're in the game, hit the hotkey to begin the screen captures.

6. To check that it is working, visit your web page in your choice of browser. The screen should refresh every 5 seconds or so.

7. When you have finished, click the "Stop Uploading" button. After a short pause, the button will change to say "Start Uploading".

8. If you want to upload an "away" image, choose "Upload Away Image" from the Tools menu. Note: this item will be grayed out until you specify an away image in the Settings form.

9. To exit, choose Exit from the File menu.

ScreenCopy Users: You can adjust the time period between screen captures by clicking on the Advanced Mode checkbox on the main window, and specifying the interval in the "Interval (seconds)" field. By default, this value is 5 seconds.


If you have any problems, please contact me.

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Myst Online : Uru Live(TM) is the sole property of Cyan Worlds Inc. Copyright 2003 Cyan Worlds, Inc. All Rights reserved. Used with Permission.